Question and Answer.

We are asked all sorts of questions here at BkT and below are our answers to some of the current ones. 


Q. What does a Chartered Architectural Practice bring to my project?

A. As a Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologist (CIAT) Practice we can manage all stages of your project from the earliest designs through to final certification. As well as offering comprehensive planning and technical knowledge we also specialise in the technology of architecture focusing on use and performance of the building.

Q. The Planning Department won’t talk to me about my project and the advice on their website is not very comprehensive…What now?

A. We are here to help and can offer you free advice starting with a telephone conversation. Call 01872 211645 or complete and submit the enquiry form.

Q. What are Permitted Development Rights?

A. Permitted development rights are a national grant of planning permission which allow certain building works and changes of use to be carried out without having to make a planning application. Permitted development rights are subject to conditions and limitations to control impact and to protect local amenity.

Q. Can I convert my farm buildings without planning consent?

A. Possibly – as members of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants we are well positioned to offer you the best advice. Link to Blog

 Q. How much does it cost for your services?

A. Costs are based either on a competitive fixed quotation or day rate basis with the time required varying on the complexity and scope of each job. As a smaller practice our rates are competitive and we are happy to discuss your needs with you. Call 01872 211645 to discuss your requirements or complete and submit the enquiry form..

Q. Radon levels are high in some areas of the West Country. Can I reduce the risk when building my new home?

A. Yes, radon sumps and membranes are generally requested to be incorporated into the building works by Building Control lowering the risk of being affected.

Q. I want to do a Self Build but don’t know how to finance the project?

A. We have access to specialist lending advisors that are able to offer you straight talking advice. This paired with a simple project appraisal by BkT allows you to maximize your investment.